Fairfax History Day At Historic Blenheim

Blenheim Park In Fairfax City Virginia

Shot With A Panasonic HC-X1

Fairfax History Day took place just outside of Old Town Fairfax at Historic Blenheim off of Old Lee Highway. The event featured a variety of fun family activities including farm animals, war re-enactors, and living history performers showcasing life in the 19th century. I got some great footage of the event (above).


 My favorite part of the day was looking at all the different soldiers displaying what life was like in the war times of Fairfax. From the Virginia militia of the War of 1812 to Civil War Regiments of both the Union and Confederates, the event featured history from the entire 1800s.

Aside from the soldiers there was Clara Barton discussing medicine and treatments, a phrenologist, a naturalist, a railroad man, a photographer, blacksmith and other service people from the 19th Century. Not only were they demonstrating what life was like, but there was a lot of participation from event-goers.

One of the big highlights of the day was all the animals. Kids loved petting the baby calves, riding the ponies, getting pulled around by horses on the hay ride and milking a fake cow.

feed cow.jpg

There were several great live performances all day as well. Victorian dancers, African American music group singing songs of freedom, a small brass band and a bluegrass group. Music was a big part of war in the 1800s.


The main reason the park exists is because of the brick farmhouse on the property. It was here that Union troops ravaging through the south left graffiti on the walls, some of which still remains. There are daily tours at the park, but on this day there were tours every 15 minutes.

The weather was perfect and the event went off without a hitch. It was a lot of fun for me, to learn about some local history, and it looked like everyone else was having fun too. History, food and fun for the whole family!


If you have any questions about Fairfax City, Blenheim Park, DC Area Parks, the Panasonic HC-X1 or how I shot and edited this video, please leave a comment. You can also email Chris, or hire Fire Toga by sending an email to firetoga@gmail.com. Scroll all the way down to follow us on social media to find out what is happening in the DC Metro Area. See you out there!